What we do
We simplify IT systems.
What does that mean?
Imagine the graph below represents an IT system in a company. Each node (circle) on the graph represents a potentially stand-alone system--like "the website" or "shipping app" or "customer database"--it could be anything. Each edge (line) in the graph represents the dependencies between one system and another--generally abstracting over ins and outs. For example "A" may only "ask" for data from "F," and may never "tell" it anything. Furthermore, real systems usually don't have dependencies between every node in their system, but in practice its really hard to tell when one exists, so we eventually behave as if they do. I'll refer to this - as "the complicated system."
Essentially, what we do is take a complicated system that looks like this:
and turn it into a simplified system that looks like this:
But why?
We do it because each dependency at a given node is a cost multiplier--in terms of both time and money--regarding any change to that node (including its replacement with another, similar system). For example, in the complicated system, to change "A" you must consider (plan, code, test, deploy, troubleshoot) changes in each of the other nodes. This is why a well-meaning, intelligent software engineer will estimate "about a week" to make a change, yet in a month the system will not yet be functional.
By contrast, to make a change to "A" in the simplified system, you must consider only the change and its effect on "H," which we call the RAW Data Hub™.
So, you may surmise a change to "A" in the complicated system is five times more costly than the same change to "A" in the simplified system? But no--its much worse than that. In practice, each change made to the dependant nodes also effects subsequently dependant nodes. Perhaps surprisingly, a change in "A" may even cause a change in "E" (for example) that ultimately necessitates an additional, unforeseen change in "A." This type of "tail chasing" can go on far longer than one would like to think.
What, exactly, is "H"?
In the simplified system, "H" is the RAW Data Hub™. It is bespoke software for your company. Usually a set of web services. Usually stateless. It belongs to only your company. It makes sense for only your company. It is one of the very few technical artifacts your competitors can't also buy. Its a fantastic opportunity to leverage IT for real competitive advantage.